Padmashree Late Karmaveer Kakasaheb Wagh
Founder,K.K.Wagh Education Society
K.K.Wagh Agriculture College is one of the primer Educational institute in the jurisdiction of the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri. It is part of the Society that runs a network of Schools, Colleges (Senior Colleges, Engineering Colleges and Agricultural Colleges), Polytechnics, at a number of places, occupying a significant place on the educational map of the state. As on date it is developed and accredited for excellence in quality education by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri.
Excellence in Agricultural Education for Sustainable Agriculture Development.
1) To produce agricultural graduates with high knowledge and competence by imparting practical technical education.
2) To provide the opportunities of experiential learning environment for helping the students to be an entrepreneurs for the growth engine of the society.
3) To create and cultivate valuable manpower for sustainable development in agriculture practices, industry and contribution to the society.
Important News
Recent Activities
Farmers Meet organized by K.K.Wagh Agriculture College and ICL on 27th July, 2024
The Training & Placement Cell is an essential component of k.k.wagh college of agriculture, catering to the needs of its students for their career development. The cell organizes training programmes on Personality Development, Communication Skills, Leadership and such other areas. The cell facilitates Campus interviews and placement in various organizations. Large number of the graduate students of this college have been placed in different organizations involved in Research and Development, Business, Banking areas in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Fishery.T&P cell is committed for providing maximum job opportunities to interested and needy students of K.K.Wagh Agriculture College.
A Journey Towards Excellence
A small sapling planted by K.K. Wagh Agriculture College has grown into a big tree with having over 20,000 students engaged in studies. Aim of Alumni association is 1) To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students and between the Alumni themselves. 2) To encourage the formation of Chapters as a means to increase participation of Alumni.
K.K.Wagh Career Academy
K.K.Wagh Career Academy started in 2013. Regular classes for various competitive exams like MPSC, Banking and Railway are conducted.
Educational Visit/Guest Lecture
The educational tours to well-known institutes and organizations for B.Sc. (Agri.) students are arranged every year. The aim of the educational tours is to provide platform for the students to get acquainted with the practical Knowledge and aspects of agriculture and allied sectors and interaction with faculty help students broaden their knowledge and skills. Guest lecturers of experienced people from various sectors of agriculture are also arranged by college for students.
Student READY Program
To reorient graduates of Agriculture and allied subjects for ensuring and assuring employability and develop entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge intensive agriculture, the component envisages the introduction of the program in all the Agricultural Universities as an essential prerequisite for the award of degree to ensure hands on experience and practical training. Following components are included in Student READY program. i) Experiential Learning/Hands on Training ii) Skill Development Training iii) Rural Agriculture Work Experience iv)In Plant Training/ Industrial attachment v) Students Projects