Title | Author | Journals/ Conference |
Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on Physico-Chemical properties of the soil in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) | Prof.P.V.Shinde | Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; 11(1): 1374-1375 ISBN-978-81-929510-5-8 |
Residual Toxicity of Some Insecticides to Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja on Eggs of Different Bollworms | Prof. M.S.Kuyate | Frontiers in Crop Improvement Vol 9 : 2216-2219 (Special Issue-V) December 2021 Print ISSN : 2393-8234 Online ISSN : 2454-6011 |
Biology of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja on Eggs of Different Bollworms | Prof. M.S.Kuyate | TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research Vol.10 No. 2, Page No. 18-22 (2021) September, 2021 |
Survival and development of Pink Bollworm P. Gossypiella on Different Bt cotton Hybrids | Prof. M.S.Kuyate | TECHNOFAME- A Journal of Multidisciplinary Advance Research Vol.10 No. 2, Page No. 10 –17 (2021) September, 2021 |
Survival and Development of Spotted Bollworm E. vittella on different Bt Cotton Hybrids | Prof. M.S.Kuyate | Frontiers in Crop Improvement Vol 9: 2077-2082 (Special Issue-V) December 2021 Print ISSN: 2393-8234 Online ISSN : 2454-6011 |
Paracitic efficiency of Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja on eggs of different bollworms | Prof. M.S.Kuyate | Multilogic In Science, VOL, XII, ISSUE XXXXI, JANUARY 2022. ISSN 2277-7601 |
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